The cleaning technology of high-pressure water injection with the characteristics of low cleaning cost, rapid rate, fine effect of washing, wide range of application and no drainage and no environmental pollution, which is internationally one of the latest high-tech cleaning technology, has been widely recognized and valued throughout the industry since it was introduced to China in the mid-1980s. Among the traditional clean-out operations, there were dozens of cleaning technology such as mechanical drilling cleaning, steam cleaning, chemical cleaning, ultrasonic cleaning, water jet cleaning and so forth. Western developed countries such as Japan, America and Europe mainly used chemical cleaning before 19701 and they began to develop the cleaning technology of high-pressure water injection in the late 1980s.Up till now, the cleaning technology of high-pressure water injection has been the main cleaning technology in western developed countries with more than 80% market share and it even accounts for 90% market share in Arnerica. Cleaning industry in our country has always been in a backward state because chemical cleaning and manual cleaning have been widely adopted for years. It is estirnated that at present chemical cleaning accounts for 80% market share. There are problems of high cleaning cost, low efficiency and environmental pollution in chemical cleaning and manual cleaning, which cannot satisfy increasing industrial and residential cleaning requirements. The cleaning technology of high-pressure water injection had been rapidly popularized in China in the mid 1990 since it was introduced into our country in the mid-1980s.At present, over 10% industrial cleaning is the cleaning technology of high-pressure water injection and it is developing rapidly. With the growing requirements of cleaning efficiency, cleaning rate and environmental protection in modern society, it is an inevitable trend that for the popularization and application of cleaning technology of high-pressure water injection in China.
High pressure water jet refers to the high speed micro water jet, usually with the pressure of hundreds of atmospheric pressure, pressurized by the high pressure water generator and converted by an injection device with a small aperture. Generally, the water jet has the speed of more than double the Mach number and therefore has tremendous energy to perform different kinds of tasks. Based on this high pressure water jet, a fresh technology called °high pressure water jet cleaning technology” which was used to finish different kinds of clean-out operation has occurred and developed. It belongs to the physical cleaning method and has the following advantages compared with the traditional manual, mechanical and chemical cleaning methods.